Fracino Tranqulio-tron - On Demand Coffee Grinder
Technical but simple to use, ensuring the best grind

Fracino Tranqulio-tron - On Demand Coffee Grinder
Technical but simple to use, ensuring the best grind

Product Specifics
Delivery: Delivery time will be confirmed upon purchase
Adjustable : Blades are fully adjustable
Dimensions : H 410mm x W 170mm x D 340mm
Easy dispense : Dispenses at the press of a button
Grinding blades: 60mm flat
Hopper capacity: 500g
Program : Automatically portions
The Tranqulio-tron Fracino grinder is ideal for dispensing specialist or decaffeinated blends directly into the filter holder, thereby providing a fresh espresso coffee. The coffee portion is automatically programmed into the grinder and is dispensed by a press of a button. The Fracino grinder blends are served at optimum freshness. The grinder blades are fully adjustable to accommodate different types of coffee and ensure the best grind.
Delivery time will be confirmed upon purchase
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