Fracino Contempo 1 Group Commercial Espresso Coffee Machine
Made in the UK, innovative design & state of the art production Fracino commercial coffee machine

Fracino Contempo 1 Group Commercial Espresso Coffee Machine
Made in the UK, innovative design & state of the art production Fracino commercial coffee machine

Product Specifics
Delivery: Delivery time will be confirmed upon purchase
Lease Available: Weekly lease available
Espresso machine: 1 Group fresh bean coffee machine
Suggested Capacity: 1 Group 120 cups per hour
Power & water supply: 1 Group 13amp plug within 1m of machine location. Plumbed 3/4 inch BSP dishwasher water connection within 1m of machine location
Suitable for: The Fracino Contempo coffee machine is suitable for professional brewing in cafes, bars and restaurants
Water supply: Plumbed
Fracino’s Contempo range performs magnificently as an innovative series of affordable, luxury espresso/cappuccino coffee machines. The standard Fracino Contempo coffee machine boasts a stainless steel finish that shines like polished chrome. The design of the machine reflects a modern interpretation of style that makes for a stunning, yet timeless focal point in any café, bar or restaurant.
The Fracino Contempo coffee machine is a semi-automatic or electronically controlled. The 1 group features a hot water facility and steam tube for frothing and steaming milk. Large capacity boilers, high-powered elements and are hand built to the highest standards, using only the finest stainless steel, copper and brass. The group on the semi-automatic Contempo machines are operated by an illuminated blue plunger switch with a satin finish, so the user can control the amount of coffee being dispensed into the cup. Electronically controlled models have a unique touch pads with four accurately pre-programmed coffee measures and an override option button.
There is also the opportunity to lease this machine.
Delivery time will be confirmed upon purchase
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