Fracino Luxomatic On Demand Coffee Grinder
Consistently ground coffee, with little background noise

Fracino Luxomatic On Demand Coffee Grinder
Consistently ground coffee, with little background noise

Product Specifics
Delivery: Delivery time will be confirmed upon purchase
Additional: Sophisticated sound proofing technology, grinds at 55 decibels
Control: Touch screen selection for single or double espresso
Dimensions : H 625 mm x W 285 mm x D 405 mm
Grinding blades : 60mm flat
Hopper capacity : 1kg
The Luxomatic Fracino grinder is equipped with the most sophisticated sound proofing technology, these elegant looking grinders will grind at just 55 decibels, resulting in consistently ground coffee, with little background noise. The Luxomatic offers touch screen selection for single or double espresso Grind on Demand operation.
Delivery time will be confirmed upon purchase
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