Milkline Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Dosing Bottle
Powerfully effective against bactera build up in milk lines

Milkline Cleaning Solution 1 Litre Dosing Bottle
Powerfully effective against bactera build up in milk lines

Product Specifics
Key Features: Fast Acting, Prevents bacteria build up and Easy Dosing Bottle
Bioguard’s Alkali formula cleans fresh milk and sanitises milk lines on automatic machines. The product should be used as part of the automatic cleaning cycle on the machine and you should mix the chemical with water in either the milk container or a jug. It should then flush through and clean the milk from the milk lines.
Formulation developed with leading coffee machine suppliers & users. Fast acting, alkali solution removed stale milk and sanitises milklines, preventing bacteria build up.
Light duty 25ml per litre of water
Heavy dury 50ml per litre of water
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