Gimoka Cremoso Professional Coffee Beans 1kg
Roasted Coffee beans. Ideal for use, after grinding, with Moka pot or espresso machine.

Gimoka Cremoso Professional Coffee Beans 1kg
Roasted Coffee beans. Ideal for use, after grinding, with Moka pot or espresso machine.

Product Specifics
Coffee Type: Beans
Roast: Medium
Suitable: Cafetière, Aeropress, V60, Moka pot, pour and serve filter coffee and espresso
Sweetness: Chocolate

Gimoka Cremoso Professional Coffee Beans 1kg
A light-roasted blend for a creamy, full-bodied coffee showing hints of malt, nuts and chocolate.
Spotlight on Taste
Roasted Coffee beans. Ideal for use, after grinding, with Moka pot or espresso machine.

- Coffee Type: Beans
- Roast: Medium
- Strength: Light
- Suitable: Cafetière, Aeropress, V60, Moka pot, pour and serve filter coffee and espresso
- Sweetness: Chocolate
- Taste: Nutty
Spotlight on Origin
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