Cotswold Rainforest Alliance Java Beans 1x1kg
Our most popular bean! Well balanced with caramelised sweetness.

Cotswold Rainforest Alliance Java Beans 1x1kg
Our most popular bean! Well balanced with caramelised sweetness.

Product Specifics
Acidity: Prune
Altitude grown: 9,00 – 1,800 masl
Mouthfeel: Heavy
Process: Washed, Natural
Roast index: 5
Sweetness: Cocoa
Variety: Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Caturra, Catuai, Pacas, Typica, Heirloom
Brazil, Ethiopia, Central America, India
Caramelised sweetness and cocoa

Cotswold Rainforest Alliance Java Beans 1x1kg
More about Cotswold RFA Java Beans
A full-bodied espresso, well balanced with caramelised sweetness, low acidity and a lingering cocoa like aftertaste.
One of our most popular beans this espresso coffee is a blend of Arabica and Robusta beans in order to produce a truly powerful espresso. Full of flavour, rich toffee sweetness, hints of cocoa.
This coffee is a blend of 70% Arabica and 30% Robusta beans. The perfect blend when creating espresso-based milky drinks such as Cappuccino, Latte etc.
This blend of Arabica and Robusta coffee beans sourced from Brazil, Honduras, Ethiopia, & India. Java Rainforest Alliance is one of our most popular blends, well worth trying if you like your coffee strong but smooth.
Spotlight on Taste
Our most popular bean! Well balanced with caramelised sweetness.

- Origin : Brazil, Ethiopia, Central America, India
- Acidity: Prune
- Altitude grown: 9,00 – 1,800 masl
- Mouthfeel: Heavy
- Process: Washed, Natural
- Roast index: 5
- Strength: Dark
- Taste: Caramelised sweetness and cocoa
- Sweetness: Cocoa
- Variety: Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Caturra, Catuai, Pacas, Typica, Heirloom
Spotlight on Origin
Brazil is the largest coffee-producing nation in the world. The country sees large-scale mechanisation used in the preparation of its coffee: a result of a well-structured industry infrastructure and many years’ experience producing coffee. Lower growing altitudes means that Brazilian coffees are relatively low in acidity. As a result they tend to be round, sweet and well-nuanced rather than big and bright. This coffee is naturally processed and sourced from the Minas Gerais region.
The Central American coffees used in this blend contribute body and balance. These coffees are sourced mainly from the Jinotega region of Nicaragua and the Copán region of Honduras.
Almost all coffee grown in India is shade grown and is often intercropped with other plants such as cardamom, clove and pepper.
Robusta coffee from India is added to the blend to give body and a lingering finish which allows the blend to cut through milk based drinks. This coffee is sourced from the Karnataka and Kerala regions.
Ethiopia is the birthplace of the arabica species; coffee has been grown, harvested and processed in Ethiopia for over six hundred years. Sourced from the Southwestern region of Djimmah where altitudes range between 1750 to 2000m this coffee provides subtle nuances of fruit and adds body to the blend.

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